Post Jam 1.1 update

This update fixes some problems with the original game that was uploaded for the 7DRL.  Based upon the review feedback and the fact that the game was pretty broken difficulty wise, I decided to fix some of the more glaring problems.  I'm pretty happy with what I've done here and have learned a lot.  This will definitely give me a better head start for my next jam!!


- fixed collision on left side of entry room
- pressing space skips a turn
- Fog of war locks down before the screen fades back in on level load now
- Items retain visibility on the map if not picked up
- removed RPGMaker style status windows that pop up when pressing escape
- monsters remember player for a few steps after the player goes out of sight
- monsters can walk over objects
- tuning the level transition logic to make it smoother
- ask player if they wish to go down the stairs
- player visibility tracked separately than monster visibility. (Player can see much further)
- increased player starting health
- ensure monsters don't spawn near the entrance to each level
- increased power of healing potions
- make sure monsters don't take a turn until the player has fully completed their move(should fix issue with monster attacks when picking up items)

Get 7even Day R@guelike (2019)

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